Bariatric Surgery FAQs

Bariatric surgery is a proven and effective procedure designed to achieve significant weight loss. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will answer the patient’s questions related to all aspects of the surgery. Dr. Wiljon Beltre is a dedicated bariatric surgeon providing weight loss procedures to patients in Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and surrounding communities.
How long will it take to recover and return to work following bariatric surgery?
After the surgery, the patient can expect to return to their normal routine or go back to work in about one to two weeks. The patient will experience low energy for a few days, and may need to have a few half-days or work on alternate days during the first week of their return to work.
When can I resume my exercise regimen?
Exercises after bariatric surgery can resumed almost immediately. The surgeon will encourage the patient to take gentle, short walks in the first few days. It is important to start slow. Heavy exercises and aggressive sports should be avoided in the first month.
Can I have bariatric surgery if I have had other abdominal procedures in the past, or have a hernia or stoma?
In most cases, the answer will be yes. However, the patient should inform the surgeon about all previous surgeries, particularly the ones on the abdomen and pelvis.
Is it riskier to have this surgery with type 2 diabetes?
It may be riskier in some cases, but the patient should follow the surgeon’s instructions about managing the diabetes around the time of surgery. Nearly every patient with type 2 diabetes will experience improvement after the surgery.
If I have heart disease, can I still be a candidate for bariatric surgery?
It is possible to have bariatric surgery with heart disease, but the patient may require medical clearance from the cardiologist. Bariatric surgery can help to improve most problems related to heart disease, including high blood pressure, lipid problems, cholesterol, vascular and coronary disease, and heart enlargement.
When can I become pregnant after bariatric surgery?
Fertility of a woman typically improves after bariatric surgery. But the patient should wait for at least 12 to 18 months after the surgery before getting pregnant. Risks related to pregnancy and during childbirth will generally reduce after bariatric surgery. Children born after mother’s surgery are at a reduced risk of being affected by obesity in the future.
Will I require plastic surgery?
Most patients will have only limited sagging skin following bariatric surgery, which can be concealed by clothing. However, some patients may choose to have plastic surgery to tighten the skin. Insurance will often cover the cost of plastic surgery for removal of excess abdominal and breast skin because excess skin in this area can cause medical concerns.
Will I lose hair following bariatric surgery?
Some hair loss may commonly occur, but it is almost always temporary. Experienced bariatric surgeon Dr. Beltre receives patients from Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and nearby areas for weight loss procedures.
Important Note: If the weight is regained, diabetes and other conditions could return.
To find out more about the procedures & treatments performed by Orlando Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. Wiljon Beltre, at The Center for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Call 321-499-6505 or Click Here to Schedule a Consultation.
Please note: If the weight is regained, conditions could return.

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