before image
after image

Gina G.

Describe your life before you had Weight Loss Surgery.

I had diabetes, high blood pressure and mobility difficulties.


How long were you considering Weight Loss Surgery before you came in?

For three years I was watching my daughters play and realizing if I didn’t do something, my eldest daughter would have to raise my younger daughter and that would not be fair.


What was it like to work with our team?

The Beltre bariatric team was very helpful, educative and supportive.


Describe your life now, after Weight Loss Surgery.

I feel like I can take on the world. I can hike and play with my autistic daughter. I can walk long distances without being tired.


"I feel like I can take on the world"

Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?

Take our 60 second assessment and find out if you are a candidate for weight loss surgery