Describe your life before you had Weight Loss Surgery.
Prior to this journey my weight limited many aspects of my life including my mobility, choices of clothing to wear, furniture to sit or lay on, vehicles to drive, public seats to sit in, venues to visit, almost every part of my life was handicapped by my size. I also had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and COPD.
Describe your life now, after Weight Loss Surgery.
Today I’m able to play with my daughter without getting winded and having to just sit and watch her. We go to the park most days after school, the farmers markets on the weekends, the beach, and the pool. We get down on the floor at home and play with her blocks and dinosaurs, we walk around the malls, we visit Disney springs and walk around the giant “nay-no” (rainforest cafes volcano shape). I bought a bike and I cycle outdoors, I go to the gym multiple days a week sometime 2 a days, I no longer get winded waking around the grocery store; and this year I went to Halloween Horror Nights & Howl o Scream at Universal Studios and Seaworld Orlando. I rode all the rides and walked 10+ miles on my fitness app each night we visited! I haven’t been to a theme park in over a decade, wasn’t able to walk around the park or fit in any of the rides.
"Today I’m able to play with my daughter without getting winded and having to just sit and watch her."

Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?
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