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after image

Desiree J.

I weighed 376.5 pounds when I visited Dr. Beltre’s office on March 13, 2023. I walked with a cane because of arthritis in my right knee. I was very tired and out of breath from simply walking at a leisurely pace. I always needed a seat belt extender when flying. I could not fit in certain chairs. I was very frustrated because I felt and looked old. I ate very large portions, and of course, the food was unhealthy.

I had been considering weight loss surgery for the past five years. I hesitated due to the cost and the discouragement from family and friends about its dangers. However, my primary care doctor convinced me to do my research and emphasized that my life was more important than the cost of the surgery. I ultimately decided to undergo weight loss surgery because I realized that my life is more important than money.

Dr. Beltre’s team was very knowledgeable, patient, and caring throughout my process. The nutritionist, nurses, psychologist, and Dr. Beltre were all professional and treated me like family.

I can finally cross my legs when seated and no longer need a seat belt extender. I can run up the stairs without difficulty breathing, and I no longer need to walk with a cane. I love not overeating because it assures me that I will not revert to my past unhealthy eating habits. I enjoy sharing my story with people who are doubting weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery has saved my life.



Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?

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