Understanding Your Surgical Options

Some people seek bariatric surgery to enhance their appearance. For others, this type of surgery is a medical necessity. At the Orlando Center for Metabolic & Obesity Surgery, we want our clients to experience the safest, most effective procedures. Whether you seek bariatric surgery solely to look your best or you want to improve your health and address specific obesity-related concerns, you can most likely benefit from weight loss surgery. But out of all the surgical options, which procedure is right for you? Well, it depends on a number of factors.
What is Bariatric Surgery?
These procedures are sought for the purpose of helping patients lose weight. Examples include gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric band, and Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) with Duodenum Switch (BPD/DS). Technology is rapidly changing, making these procedures safer and more advanced than ever before.
During this procedure, a specific part of the stomach is reduced to a size where it is able to hold about an ounce of food. Your body will absorb fewer calories as a result.
This procedure removes a portion of the stomach called the fundus. This ultimately reduces appetite and helps address obesity-related health concerns.
This procedure also goes by the name laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB). During the surgery, an adjustable band is placed around the top of the stomach, which helps to decrease your food intake.
Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) with Duodenum Switch (BPD/DS)
This is known as the most involved type of metabolic surgery, but it can lead to the most drastic weight loss and immediate treatment of type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems.
Which Surgery is Right for You?
It’s important to understand that weight loss surgery is not one-size-fits-all. Just because a gastric band worked for your best friend, this doesn’t mean it will work for you and your situation. That’s one of the reasons why a consultation is so important. We want to get an in-depth look of your health and medical history to make sure bariatric surgery is right for you. From there, we can review your surgical options.
To get started and learn more information, reach out to our team at the Orlando Center for Metabolic & Obesity Surgery. When you visit our office in Maitland for your evaluation, you can learn more about your specific surgical options. Contact us today to book your appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?
Take our 60 second assessment and find out if you are a candidate for weight loss surgery