What is Diabetes?

Diabetes can affect anyone in any age group. The number of diabetes patients has been growing at an alarming rate. More than 29 million people in the US today suffer from diabetes, representing a jump of nearly 50 percent over the last decade alone. According to WHO, the number of patients afflicted by diabetes will double by 2030.
Weight loss, whether achieved through a balanced diet and exercise, or through bariatric surgery, can help improve the condition of a diabetic, and many times, completely relieve them of the symptoms. Dr. Wiljon Beltre is a dedicated and adroit bariatric surgeon providing weight loss surgeries to patients in Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and other communities and neighborhoods in this area of the country.
Life Threatening Disease
Diabetes today claims the life of one American every three minutes, which is more lives lost to diabetes than to AIDS and breast cancer combined. Diabetes is also a major cause of renal failure, amputations, blindness, heart disease and stroke.
Furthermore, living with diabetes puts the patient as well as their family under significant emotional, physical and financial stress. Diabetes costs American people more than $245 billion each year.
Role of Insulin
Human body turns food into sugars, or glucose, while the pancreas releases insulin. Insulin enables the opening up of the cells to allow the entry of glucose to provide energy. But in case of diabetics, this system fails to work properly. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are the common forms of this disease, but other forms such as gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy, are also there.
Type 1 is the more severe form of diabetes, which is insulin dependent. Type 1 typically occurs in children and teens, but may also develop in later years. Obese and overweight people are more prone to type 2 diabetes. They may consider bariatric surgery to reduce weight as well as get relief from the symptoms of this serious disease.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes, which is non-insulin dependent. This condition typically develops after the age of 35, but now an increasing number of younger people are also developing this disease. Patients with type 2 diabetes can produce some of their own insulin, but it is usually inadequate.
Some patients may have insulin resistance, in which case the cells will not open to allow the entry of glucose. People who are overweight and have a sedentary lifestyle are commonly associated with type 2 diabetes. Patients should focus on maintaining a healthy diet and a regular fitness regimen.
If blood sugar levels are not manageable with diet and exercise, the patient may have to take oral medications to help regulate the use of insulin. More severe cases may require insulin injections. Researchers are now increasingly of the view that type 2 diabetes can be improved with weight loss procedures such as bariatric surgery.
Patients in Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and other areas in this region of The Sunshine State have an opportunity to receive weight loss procedures in a state of the art surgical environment from the tremendous and committed bariatric surgeon Dr. Beltre.
Important Note: If the weight is regained, diabetes and other conditions could return.
To find out more about the procedures & treatments performed by Orlando Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. Wiljon Beltre, at The Center for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Call 321-499-6505 or Click Here to Schedule a Consultation.
Important Note: If the weight is regained, diabetes and other conditions could return.

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