Four Weight Loss Surgery Myths Debunked

An obese woman sits with her female doctor, looking over information on a computer screen.

With over a third of all Americans categorized as “obese,” many believe that obesity is just the result of a weight-focused condition caused by an increase in bad eating habits and a decrease in regular physical activity.

While nutrition and exercise play a role in overall weight loss and health, obesity is a more complex health condition than people realize. In fact, for many, reducing your BMI and moving toward a healthier weight is a lot more complicated than just a change in your diet and exercise routine.

Coupled with other obesity-related health conditions, losing weight safely and effectively is more challenging than most understand. That’s where weight loss surgery comes in: providing a way to lose weight, mitigate obesity-related symptoms, and reduce the effect of obesity-related conditions on your overall health.

Although weight loss surgery is a popular option for many, there are still many myths about the risks, lifestyle factors, and health-related benefits and outcomes associated with bariatric surgery.

As a leader in weight loss surgery, we are here to debunk popular weight loss surgery myths so that you or a loved one can move forward in your weight loss journey with more peace of mind and a deeper understanding of all involved.

At Beltre Bariatrics, we are here to help you understand your unique cause of weight gain and how it may affect your overall health while providing you with viable treatment options to help you live at a healthier weight.

Let’s debunk some of the most popular weight loss surgery myths and misconceptions in further detail. 

Myth 1: Weight loss surgery won’t help if your obesity is caused by genetics.

While genes play a role in our total body makeup, including our weight, they’re not the only factor in why someone may be classified as overweight or obese. They also don’t play a role in how effective weight loss surgery will be.

According to a Harvard study, more than 400 genes have been linked to the causes of being overweight or obese. Of that, only a handful appear to cause any impact on our actual weight.

Your genes could play a more relevant role in your weight if

  • You have been classified as “overweight” or “obese” for most of your life
  • One or both of your parents are significantly overweight
  • Many of your relatives on both sides of your family are overweight or obese
  • You have always had difficulty losing weight, even with increased activity and a change in diet

If none or not many of the above factors are true to your life, your genetics probably don’t significantly affect your weight.

Either way, when it comes to weight loss surgery, no matter the cause of your weight gain, weight loss surgery is one of the most effective and safest ways to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time.

Myth 2: Most people gain back the weight they lose.

Bariatric surgery’s most significant and obvious benefit is extensive, long-term weight loss.

While a small percentage of people who go through weight loss surgery do gain the weight back following surgery, most do not. Even when weight gain happens, it is not as significant as before surgery.

Bariatric surgery can lead to long-term, sustainable success in a patient’s weight loss efforts as long as they follow their post surgery lifestyle changes closely and meet with their bariatric surgeon regularly to ensure their surgery is as successful as possible.

Studies have shown that over 90% of patients previously classified with severe obesity successfully maintain 50% or more of their weight loss following bariatric surgery.

Myth 3: Bariatric surgery is extremely dangerous.

In short, weight loss surgery is safe.

While it’s true that all surgeries carry some level of risk, bariatric surgery is no more dangerous than other major surgeries.

Recent advances in weight loss surgery techniques have reduced surgical risks significantly.

In fact, bariatric surgeries are so safe today mainly due to the development of precise surgical procedures and small, high-tech equipment that minimize

  • incision size
  • disruption of surrounding organs and tissues

Weight loss surgery is safer and more effective now than ever, allowing patients to choose a realistic way to lose significant weight while addressing and treating many obesity-related health problems, including type 2 diabetes.

Myth 4: Women who have weight loss surgery cannot get pregnant.

Women who have weight loss surgery often experience the opposite of this popular myth. Fertility in women typically improves after bariatric surgery, especially in patients living with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

With PCOS, losing 10% of your body weight or more leads to an improvement in insulin resistance and hormone imbalance and increases fertility.

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or not, female patients should wait at least 9 to 12 months after bariatric surgery before getting pregnant, their risk for infertility is lowered at a normal weight.

The most common risks related to pregnancy and childbirth, such as the risk of gestational diabetes and a cesarean section delivery, will generally reduce after bariatric surgery,

It is important to note that children born after their mother’s surgery are at a reduced risk of being affected by obesity in the future.

Safe and Effective Obesity Treatment Near You

If you or a loved one is living with obesity and its related health conditions, weight loss surgery may be the best option for you.

With the proven effects of significantly decreasing your body weight and alleviating other obesity-related health conditions, weight loss surgery can positively impact your life in the long run.

Contact our bariatric experts today to discuss weight loss surgery options personalized to your unique health and lifestyle needs.

Your health and weight loss journey matter to us; don’t delay the care you need now.

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