Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

Sleep apnea and weight gain appear to be interrelated and one may become the cause of the other. According to researchers, four in five patients of sleep apnea are obese. Bariatric surgery is a stellar, known, and established procedure to address overweight and obesity, which can indirectly improve the symptoms of sleep apnea.  

Dr. Wiljon Beltre is a sagacious and wonderful bariatric surgeon providing state of the art weight loss surgery procedures. Many of his patients report resolution of problems such as sleep apnea once they have achieved weight loss. Dr. Beltre provides these procedures to patients in Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and surrounding communities.


Weight Gain Contributes to Sleep Apnea

A number of reasons may contribute to a healthy person gaining weight over a period of time. If left untreated, overweight or obesity can gradually become the underlying cause for various health concerns, including sleep apnea. Many individuals who add weight report that their sleep is no longer as sound as it used to be.

Overweight individuals may have to get up multiple times at night to use bathroom, or some of them may experience varying degrees of insomnia. Snoring is likely to be a common problem with such people. Sleep apnea typically occurs in such conditions for people who have put on a significant amount of excess body weight.


Weight Loss and Sleep Apnea

Weight loss through bariatric surgery can alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea, if the underlying cause of sleep apnea is obesity. Research studies indicate that obesity is the most treatable cause of sleep apnea, and weight loss can significantly improve this condition. Weight loss will reverse the metabolic cycle for those who follow a comprehensive, long term health and fitness plan.

Even a marginal weight loss of as little as five percent can provide some relief to the patient of sleep apnea. If weight loss is more substantial, it may improve sleep apnea to the point where it entirely disappears. A research study showed that two in three patients improved their symptoms of sleep apnea following a calorie-restricted diet. Better breathing at night is a clear reward of an individual’s effort to lose weight.


Weight Loss Goals

Many patients struggle to achieve their weight loss goals in order to gain relief from sleep apnea. But even they manage to reduce weight by a few pounds they can at least achieve better benefit from a device such as CPAP that they may be using to improve snoring and sleep apnea. To gain more substantive and permanent relief, undergoing a weight loss surgery for sleep apnea could yield substantial results.

Patients should note than in about 20 percent of the cases, sleep apnea may not be related to obesity or overweight. These patients may have anatomical problems directly contributing to their sleep apnea condition. For instance, people with a deviated septum or severely recessive chin may have sleep apnea even if they are not overweight.

Dedicated bariatric surgeon Dr. Beltre receives patients from Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and in other cities and suburbs across this geographical region for weight loss surgery.

Here’s one eweight loss and treated sleep apneaasy way to informally track your progress in a weight-loss effort: measure your neckline. If men can reduce their measurement to less than 17 inches, that’s a good thing. For women, 16 inches is the plateau to break.

Finally, it bears mentioning: remember that 20 percent of people who have sleep apnea but who aren’t obese? Some people may still have sleep apnea despite weight loss because they have anatomical problems that directly cause their condition, such as a deviated nasal septum or a severe receded chin.

To find out more about the procedures & treatments performed by Orlando Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. Wiljon Beltre, at The Center for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Call 321-499-6505 or Click Here to Schedule a Consultation.

Important Note: If the weight is regained, diabetes and other conditions could return.

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