Take the Next Step with Our Bariatric Surgeon

An avenue that you have for losing weight after other methods haven’t worked is speaking with a bariatric surgeon. This is a doctor who can discuss what you’ve done to lose weight and some of the reasons as to why you have gained weight in the first place. Once your diet and exercise routine have been reviewed and you can show that you are able to lose weight on your own, then you can begin the process of arranging bariatric surgery. When you meet with our doctor, there are a few questions that you should ask so that you’re prepared for surgery and the results that you can expect.
When you meet with our surgeon, you’ll talk about the reasons you want to have surgery and the benefits that you can see over the weeks and months after the procedure. You’ll also talk about the best method of surgery for your health and the amount of weight that you want to lose. You’ll also talk about the health conditions that you have that could benefit from weight loss, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Expect that some of the questions will be a bit personal. You’re going to talk about things in your life that you might not want to divulge or that you could be ashamed of admitting. These details shouldn’t hinder you from meeting with a bariatric surgeon as our doctor has likely heard these details from other patients in the past.
Find out how much weight you can expect to lose and how long it could take you to lose weight. You also need to talk about the recovery process, how long you’re going to stay in the hospital, and what you need to do when you go home. Talk to our doctor about the foods that you need to stop eating before surgery and the foods that you need to eat after the procedure. Your lifestyle will likely need to drastically change, and you need to be prepared for this when you meet with our bariatric surgeon. Make sure you have a list of medications with you at the appointment as well as a list of doctors you’re seeing so that your bariatric surgeon can communicate with them as everyone has to work together for you to see success.
When you’re ready to take the next step on your weight loss journey, feel free to get in touch with our team at The Orlando Center for Metabolic & Obesity Surgery in Maitland. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with our bariatric surgeon!

Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?
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