What is Restriction Weight Loss Surgery?

What is Restriction Weight Loss Surgery?
Bariatric surgeries enable weight loss through restricting the quantity of food the stomach can contain. This type of surgery can also assist in weight loss through a combination of malabsorption and gastric restrictions.
Accomplished bariatric surgeon Dr. Wiljon Beltre provides a range of weight loss procedures to patients in Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and other cities and towns in this magnificent region of the country.
Reducing Food Intake
Restrictive weight loss surgery technique is commonly used for enabling weight loss. The food intake is reduced through making a small pocket in the upper portion of the stomach. This is the area where the food enters the stomach via the esophagus. The pouch can hold one once of food initially.
This can expand to up to three ounces after some time. The lower outlet of the pouch is typically about 1/4th of an inch in diameter. The small exit enables food to empty slowly from the pouch. This creates a feeling of fullness in the patient.
The techniques used in restrictive surgeries to address obesity include vertical banded gastroplasty and gastric banding. Both of these procedures create a restriction on food consumption. They do not impact the normal process of digestion as a gastric bypass surgery does.
What is Vertical Banded Gastroplasty?
This procedure is also known as stomach stapling. Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG) is a standard restrictive surgery to enable weight loss. In this surgery, the surgeon uses both staples and a band to develop a small stomach pocket.
Risks Associated with VBG
Some complications associated with VBG surgery are:
- Eroding of the band utilized to develop the stomach pouch
- Disintegration of the staple line which is used to develop the stomach pouch
- Leaking of juices in the stomach into the abdomen, warranting immediate surgical intervention
In a small percentage of people undergoing this surgery (lower than 1 percent), the procedure can cause infection or death.
What is Gastric Banding?
In the gastric banding procedure, a band formulated from unique materials is fixed around the top portion of the stomach. This creates a small pouch, and a tight passageway into the remaining part of the stomach.
Risks Associates with Gastric Banding
The risks associated with this surgery are the same as those in the case of VBG.
How Does Food Consumption Patterns Change After Restrictive Surgery?
The patient can consume only 1/4th or half a cup of food without suffering from nausea or discomfort after a restrictive surgery. The consumption of fluids is restricted to little sips. These fluids should not be taken along with food as the new and smaller sized stomach may be unable to contain liquid and food simultaneously.
This makes it necessary for the patient to consume eight to ten meals within a day to incorporate enough nutrients in their diet.
How Much Weight Can be Lost after a Restrictive Surgery?
Restrictive weight-loss procedures cause significant weight reduction in most patients. But the rate of weight loss may be different, and the patient may regain some weight after a while.
Dedicated bariatric surgeon Dr. Wiljon Beltre receives patients from Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and other towns and suburbs in the fantastic and standout state of Florida for weight loss procedures.
Important Note: If the weight is regained, diabetes and other conditions could return.
To find out more about the procedures & treatments performed by Orlando Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. Wiljon Beltre, at The Center for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Call 321-499-6505 or Click Here to Schedule a Consultation.

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