Orlando weight loss center

What We Cover at Our Orlando Weight Loss Center

Throughout the United States, you will find people who desperately want to lose weight. At our Orlando weight loss center, this is no exception. Weight gain and weight loss are such personal things for so many people. When you ask people why they want to lose weight or what it...

body contouring - image of four women celebrating

When to Choose Weight Loss Surgery Over Body Contouring in Orlando

Weight loss surgery and body contouring are two of the most popular ways to alter the appearance and shape of your entire body. While they may seem very similar, there are actually a lot of differences between these two popular procedures. The drastic difference means that they are designed to...

weight loss doctor - woman dancing

Change Your Life with Our Weight Loss Doctor in Orlando

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is a group of procedures designed to help people who are severely obese. Doctors define “severely obese” as having a BMI of at least 40 or having a BMI of at least 35 and weight-related conditions such as Type 2 diabetes or...

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Common Questions About Sleep Apnea

If you experience short periods of time when you stop breathing at night, then you might be dealing with sleep apnea. These periods of not breathing will usually wake you up at night or will wake up another person in the bed with you who pays attention to your sleeping...

acid reflux treatment - woman with arms open

Feel Your Best with Acid Reflux Treatment

Did you know that different studies claim that up to 40% of people in the United States experience acid reflux from time to time? If you find this happens to you often, take heart in the fact that medical weight loss is a proven acid reflux treatment. When you find...

bariatric surgeon - man standing in the woods

Take the Next Step with Our Bariatric Surgeon

An avenue that you have for losing weight after other methods haven’t worked is speaking with a bariatric surgeon. This is a doctor who can discuss what you’ve done to lose weight and some of the reasons as to why you have gained weight in the first place. Once your...

Body contouring in Orlando - man and woman holding hands at the beach

Weight Loss Surgery vs. Body Contouring in Orlando

The struggle to get your ideal figure can seem like it is a mountain that is too high to climb. This especially holds true if you have not been able to get control of your weight. When the scale only shows higher numbers every time you step on, it can...

Medical Weight Loss - woman observing her weight loss

Am I a Good Candidate for Medical Weight Loss?

Weight loss is consistently one of the goals that people all around the globe strive to reach. Americans are known for their obsession with weight loss in particular. This is why the idea of medical weight loss via surgery is something that a lot of people at least contemplate. In...

Weight Loss Doctor in Orlando - man consulting with physician

Choosing a Weight Loss Doctor in Orlando

How do you feel when you step on a scale? Does it make you feel sad or frustrated? Maybe you have tried a number of weight loss programs but have not seen the success you hoped for. If so, you may have reached the point where something more than diet...

bariatric surgery

Could You Benefit from Bariatric Surgery in Orlando?

If you are considering bariatric surgery in Orlando, you should take comfort in knowing that you are not the only person thinking about taking this time-tested route to help you lose weight. On an annual basis, more than 100,000 surgical weight loss procedures are performed in the United States. Bariatric...