If You Have Tried—and Failed—To Lose Weight by Dieting, You Are Not Alone!

two healthy women exercising together

Most people who are significantly overweight have tried to lose weight by dieting.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of individuals who attempt to lose weight by dieting find that the opposite usually happens: dieting leads to long-term weight gain!  Studies now show that you have a greater chance of surviving metastatic lung cancer than losing weight, and keeping it off, through dieting: less than 5%!  Fortunately, skilled bariatric surgeons such as Dr. Wiljon Beltre at The Center for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery in Maitland, Florida now offer proven, safe surgical options for permanent—and successful—weight loss and effective resolution of weight-related health problems.

Why Diets Fail

Sadly, even some medical practitioners continue to blame severely overweight individuals for failing to lose weight, citing laziness, lack of commitment, or limited willpower, despite the increasing number of studies demonstrating that failure to lose weight through diet is not a result of moral or psychological failure.  In fact, left over from an ancient response to famine and starvation, our body has developed a complex, biological response to weight loss designed to maintain, and even increase, your weight!

  • Dieting causes hunger, but not in the way you think!

Our appetite—feelings of fullness and hunger—is controlled by hormones.  As we lose weight, production of hormones that promote fullness decreases while production of hormones that stimulate hunger increases, causing us to feel hungry and eat more as we lose more weight.

  • Dieting makes your body burn less fat!

As the body begins to lose weight, its ability to process glucose for energy improves.  However, this process reduces the body’s demand for energy from fat, so less fat is burned.  Moreover, any glucose not processed for energy is more quickly converted into fat for long-term storage.

  • Losing weight through dieting means a lifetime of restrictive dieting!

Your body’s metabolism is not static: it changes in response to your weight in order to maintain your body’s genetically-mandated size.  As you lose weight, the body becomes more efficient and less calories are required to maintain that lower weight and increases in caloric intake lead to weight gain.

Why Surgery Is A Better Approach

Modern metabolic surgery offers a significantly more effective way to lose weight, because it works with your biology, not against it.  By physically resetting your body’s hormone production and metabolic efficiency, it overrides the genetic and evolutionary processes inhibiting weight loss through:

  • Changing the size of your stomach to reduce the amount of food you need to feel full
  • Increasing your taste for high-quality, healthy foods and reducing cravings for unhealthy foods
  • Changing the way your body processes food to minimize the intake of excess food energy
  • Decreasing the production of appetite-controlling hormones to reduce, not increase, hunger
  • Increasing your metabolism so you burn less calories more efficiently
  • Resolving underlying health problems such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol that further undermine weight loss attempts

Board certified surgeon Dr. Wiljon Beltre at the Center for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery in Maitland, Florida, offers a multifaceted approach to weight loss, coupling cutting-edge weight loss surgery with a long-term support network of caring, experienced weight loss experts.  If you have tried—and failed—to lose weight in the past, we encourage you to attend an informational seminar or contact our office for a free, individual consultation.  We look forward to hearing from you!

To find out more about the procedures & treatments performed by Orlando Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. Wiljon Beltre, at The Center for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Call 321-499-6505 or Click Here to Schedule a Consultation.

Please note: If the weight is regained, the diabetes and other conditions could return.



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